Blind Robbery! How the Fed, Banks, and
Government Steal Our Money
by Andreas Marquart and Philipp Bagus
Reviewed by Patrick Barron
The purpose of this book is nothing less than to foment a revolt
against the economic and monetary status quo, which, if continued, will destroy
civilization as we know it. Yes, that is a big task, but Misters Marquart and
Bagus may have accomplished just that. They have given us, in a relatively
short book written in a conversational style for the layman, a comprehensive explanation
of how an economy really works and why our current, central bank dominated
system is destroying the productive sector of Western economies, transferring
wealth from the masses to the politically connected few, and which, if
continued, is bound to fail spectacularly so. But Marquart and Bagus are
optimistic that the layman can understand the hidden forces at work and lobby
to change them for the better. Champions of the Austrian School of Economics,
which many economists believe may be too difficult for the layman to
understand, these worthy gentlemen have given us a treatise that brings all the
elements of that school of thought together in a book that can be read and
understood by those completely unversed in economic theory of any kind . They
start by employing the device of considering a fictitious town that has no
medium of exchange; i.e., it is an economy based on barter. From this humble
start, we learn how money arises naturally as part of the market in order to
solve the limitations of a barter economy. We learn that only commodity money
would be chosen by the market. We learn how bankers collude with governments to
destroy commodity money for their own gains, which leads to a marvelous
explanation of business cycle theory that arises as a result thereof. The
"blind robbery" of the catchy title refers to the inflation of the
money supply by government and the banks, which leads not only to the boom-bust
cycle but also to the more hidden loss of money's purchasing power over time.
But the loss of money's purchasing power is a boon for government spending and
those who are that spending stream's recipients, mainly the military, Wall
Street insiders, and welfare recipients. Perhaps the most innovative part of
the book is the way the authors weave in an explanation of the steady
corruption of society's sober, hardworking culture, a sure fire death by a
thousand cuts.
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