Sensible Foreign Policy: Mind Your Own Business and Set a Good Example
For the sake of peace and prosperity in the world, the US should take
the true leadership role in proving to the world that free trade and
non-interventionism are all that is required. In other words, all nations
should simply mind their own business and set good examples. Just as laissez
faire policies work within a nation's boundaries, free cooperation between
individuals of different nations will quickly reveal which policies work and
which do not. It is important to remember that there is nothing that a nation
can do internally to force other nations to subsidize its economy. All
subsidies, currency manipulations, etc. are self-defeating. Therefore, the US
should take the following actions to remove government interference with
peaceful, cooperative trade between its citizens and the citizens of other
1. Adopt unilateral free trade.
Completely eliminate all restrictions on the importation and export of
legal products. For trade purposes treat the rest of the world as if it were
part of one's own country; i.e., the freedom to buy and sell all legal products
anywhere in the world. It is a mercantilist
fallacy that a nation becomes wealthy by selling more than it imports, thereby
accumulating gold (now foreign exchange). On the contrary, mercantilist nations
deny their citizens the right to become wealthy. They do not allow their
citizens to exchange the product of their labor for the most goods and
services. Rather they deny their citizens a higher standard of living by
forcing them to purchase higher priced and/or lower quality domestic goods. If
this were not the case--i.e., if a nation could produce all things that it
needed at the lowest worldwide price--trade barriers would not be needed, since no one would wish to
purchase inferior/higher priced foreign goods. Of course, this is not the case
at all. The division of labor is a natural, beneficial process that knows no
international, political boundaries. If Hawaii were not a state of the union, but
rather a foreign nation under its own political system, would Americans be
better off by denying themselves Hawaiian grown pineapples and instead grow
inferior pineapples at higher prices somewhere in the remaining forty-nine
states? Of course not. Free trade
allows for the most efficient allocation of worldwide capital to produce the
most goods and services for those who participate.
2. Do not lobby foreign
governments to allow one's own citizens' goods into their countries.
A nation that restricts imports harms its own citizens. Allow them to
correct their own government's errors themselves. A nation that denies its
citizens the right to import goods from other countries yet encourages its
citizens to sell goods into those same countries, (and may even subsidize these
sales in some way), has adopted an illogical and unsustainable policy. It is similar
to selling one's wares and never cashing the customers' checks. Foreign
exchange accumulates in the protectionist nation's central bank. But to what end?
If that government buys the national debt of the same nation, then the fallacy
becomes even more clear. It denies its citizens the right to buy that nation's goods
and services, yet when the government itself buys that same nation's debt it is
funding that nation's spending--infrastructure, defense, etc.--with the fruit
of its own citizens' toil. Nothing could be more illogical, and this policy
will be abandoned eventually or the protectionist nation will fail
3. Do not prevent one's own citizens
from buying so-called subsidized or "dumped" products.
This oft-used policy is a consequence of mercantilism. Nation A
prevents its citizens from buying products that it claims nation B subsidizes
in some way. The US/Canadian
softwood dispute is a good example. The reciprocal tariffs that emanated
from this dispute have caused Americans to pay more for softwoods, reducing their
standard of living. The "seen" consequence is that American softwood
producers get higher prices for their product, but at the "unseen"
expense of their fellow countrymen. The US consumer suffers and capital is used
in less productive ways than if the tariff were not in place. If Canadians are
foolish enough to subsidize exports, the beneficiaries are Americans. Canadians
are taxed so that Americans can enjoy cheaper softwoods.
4. Do not subsidize in any way
any good, whether sold domestically or to foreigners.
The flip side to number three above is that a nation should not
subsidize exports. All the citizens of the exporting nation bear the cost, and
the citizens of the importing nation reap the benefit. What could be more
5. Scrap all existing trade
treaties, agreements, etc. and defund and close down all trade offices and
Free trade is incompatible with managed trade. All trade agreements are
"managed" trade. If they aren't managed, then what is the point of
the agreement itself? There is nothing to manage. But, if the point of the
agreement is that a nation will open its doors to another nation's products
only if that nation reciprocates, then each nation is still pursuing the
illogical and self-defeating precepts of a mercantilist trade policy.
6. Do not intervene in any way
into the internal affairs of any country.
If one's own citizens are disgusted with the governmental policies of
another country, they can privately boycott that country's goods and refuse to
invest in that country's economy. This is the international equivalence of
boycotting some local vendor. (A good domestic example of this policy is the
boycott organized by Cesar Chavez. See The
1965-70 Delano Grape Strike and Boycott.) A good international example is
the closing over the last decade of most Cities Services (Citgo) gas stations. Venezuela owned Citgo, and Americans
were disgusted with Venezuelan policies. No governmental policy was necessary
for US citizens to register their disgust. The fact that the Venezuelan
government has not changed its policies is no reason for the American
government to take action. Americans can simply be reassured that they are not
supporting Venezuela by purchasing it most recognizable product--oil.
7. Do not use military force
except to retaliate against attack upon one's own territory or the right of
one's own ships, planes, etc. to travel in international waters or airspace.
No nation has a right to intervene, especially militarily, in the
internal affairs of others. This is the non-aggression
principle extended to the behavior of nations. Of course, if no nation
intervened in the affairs of another and no nation attacked another's
territory, war between nations would end. There are many caveats to this
policy--genocide of minorities by majorities, for example--but nations must
beware of the slippery slope toward continuous interventions that so-called
"special cases" seem to authorize.
8. Do not enter into unlimited
and/or ill-defined collected security agreements.
Just as a nation should not intervene militarily into the affairs of
others on its own accord, so the speak, it should be even more circumspect
about not becoming legally tied to intervene in the affairs of others as a
result of a collective security agreement. This would be second hand
intervention, whereby the nation itself is not attacked but acts as if it were.
Collective security agreements should be written very carefully. Carte blanche
agreements remove the incentive of one's allies to resolve agreements
peacefully. There are few disputes in which side is completely innocent and the
other is completely guilty. There are few disputes in which there are only one
of two alternatives. Furthermore, collective security agreements may backfire;
i.e., reducing the security of current members and admitting new members with
ancient animosities that they now find no reason to attempt to resolve
peacefully. Collective security agreements suffer the same adverse
consequences of other socialist policies.
Most of the issues confounding Americans today are the result of
government hubris and overreach. Government apologists believe that the economy
can be improved by intervening into the free market. But sound economic theory
reveals that government intervention is both unnecessary and destructive. It
reduces market transactions that participants believe will benefit both
parties. Furthermore, it misdirects capital to unsustainable investment,
resulting in capital deccumulation. Complete laissez faire is
the only rational policy that remains.
Internationally, government should follow the maxim "Mind your own business and set a good
example." Avoid intervening into the affairs of others and allow your
good example to speak for itself. In trade avoid the fallacies of mercantilism.
Avoid or strictly limit collective security agreements and follow the
non-aggression principle.