Thursday, November 11, 2021

Why Prices Will Continue to Increase

 M3 for the US

When Nixon took the US off the gold exchange standard in August 1971, M3 was around $.650 trillion. In August 2021 it was $21.8 trillion. That's 33 times its 1971 value. The bad news is that this number continues to increase as the Fed continues its Quantitative Easing (QE) program and continues to monetize the US deficit.
There is no better method for destroying our economy than debasing the currency. There is no one in government who understands the danger; therefore, there is no reason to believe that monetary inflation, which is the primary cause of price inflation, will not continue to increase until the dollar becomes worthless.
Many thanks to Alasdair Macleod of for sending me the link to this chart of M3.

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