Re: American's Finances Got Stronger in the Pandemic by Rachel Ensign
Dear Sirs:
Do you really expect your readers to believe that printing money out of thin air and distributing it by helicopter--oh, sorry, it's called "stimulus" money--actually makes American's better off financially? Has no one read Henry Hazlitt's Economics in One Lesson, which is a modern update of Claude Frederic Bastiat's classic two-hundred-year-old exposé of the reality and consequences of government money printing That Which is Seen and That Which is Not Seen? Have none of your reporters heard of Say's Law of Markets? Money is a medium of indirect exchange. Magically producing money out of thin air robs the wealth generating sector of the economy and rewards the wealth consuming sector of the economy. Capital is consumed, ensuring a lower standard of living, if not complete economic collapse, in the future. Please educated yourselves!
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